TIme flies

I've been going through the toys lately and I'm not gonna lie it is a little hard to see my boys grow up.Taylor has grown out of the Diego and Cauillou stage. He is now entering the Spiderman, star wars and  Batman stage. He has a  claw around that he loves to wear adn he loves little legos.

He is my lego man. Anyway, it is fun.He is liking preschool.He goes one day a week and has learned a lot. He also likes his  tap and ballet class- that I teach and also TOPHats- with singing.They have a show next weekend

Landon is moving to the karate, football and basketball stage.He was into roller hockey but ha changed a little but.He has a sparkle in his eye when it comes to school and I can  tell he really enjoys it

.He had a bday party a few weeks ago and we went to Bounce. It was fun to  see him grow up and turn 9. I guess I shed a little tear because he is growing up.Some days seem more precious than others and that was one of those days.

We gave Landon a quad so he has everything. His Bible Book of Mormon and everything. He is so excited. I was thinking the other day how my role as a parent is to enjoy him and Taylor.They are children of God and I ahve them for a few years to hopefully teach and enjoy.Sounds a little corny but after I thought that it put a lot of things in perspective for me.
Things are always changing and sometimes we have to soak up the moment or it will pass us by.

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