We had our New baby boy Blake Tanner Smith. Born June 19, 2012.Loved by his brother Taylor and Landon. He was 6 pounds 7 ounces 20 inches long .Tons of black hair. He was born at 9:56 am in Greeley, Colorado. We went to the hospital early and got ready. It was a pretty good recovery for me and what fun to have a newborn. He is so sweet and I totally forgot how precious they are and wonderful. Anyway we have totally been enjoying every minute with him. He is almost 3 weeks old and is starting to open his eyes and look around. He makes his mouth like an OOO shape. He sleeps most of the time but when he is hungry you know it. Oh, he likes to be held and held a certain way. He doesn't like a lot of noise and yet he is soo excited to be here.Taylor went to the piano and played Harry Potter and he turned his head and I think recognized it. He loves both his brothers voices. We are so lucky to have him here!!!! What a joy!

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