A little Tear was Shed

Taylor started Kindergarten this week.I have to admit a little tear came to my eye. I can't believe 5 years have passed.  He was just 5 months old when we moved back to Fort Collins He loved walks in the oval and going to the park, he loves friends and we had a great time in both Miss Cheri's preschool and Miss Cindy's preschool.

This summer my baby grew up overnight. He was so excited about the baby and has been such a great helper. Mostly he has turned into a very sweet and smart little boy. I'm just glad we have had our special time before hanging out with mom isn't cool.

He made a friend at school and I am glad. There are only about 5 boys in his class so it will be fun. I walked him to school the first day and went back to spy on him at recess to see how he was doing. He waved to me through the playground,Yep he is all grown up! I love you Tay

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