Basketball time has arrived

So we've decided to crack the whip around here on chores in the Smith household and even f we only do it 3 times a week, we need to start the habit so I am not cleaning up after everyone all the time. Landon started basketball yesterday. There are 2 practices a week and games- they are serious in 1st grade- come on that's when you can tell if it's their future- ya right. anyway, he is so excited about it and talked about practice the whole way home- not like his old soccer days when he cried- he has grown up and i just hope I can hold on for dear life. No we only do one sport at ta time in our house because he has to take piano also- his mother is so mean- hahaahha. anyway, it was fun to see him. taylor wanted to lay also but the coach gave me the eye after taylor was running around out on the court . We are going to the CSu vs UNLV game tomorrow here. I think I'll route ofr UNLV- just because they will probably beat CSU- who knows.

Oh I lost 2 pounds this past week- finally. I've been trying forever to get moving on this weight.


Leslie said...

Awesome on the weight loss! Unfortunately I think I found them! :-)

I can't believe how much Landon has grown up! He still looks the same, just bigger, so I still expect him to be like he was before (which did not include liking to run around!). Too bad we can't come see any of his games. :-( Tell him we're rooting for him, though!

melissa said...

ok so im finally with it and on lauras and who do i find? You. im so excited. i cant believe how the kids have grown. anyway keep in touch and good luck.
mel page

Leslie said...

So Tara, I told Sheridan what you said about a house of order. She quickly told me that I shouldn't tell you anything she says as in offended I would repeat anything outside the 4 walls of our house. I just giggled. She's so dramatic and mouthy!