Happy New YEar

Friends and Family,
We never did get all our cards out this year but I wanted to send out something for everyone. Here is a little bit about our year and some pictures.
Phil started the year working at a Ford dealership here in Fort COllins and now has been with Lexus of Frederick(close to Denver for almost 5 months. He likes selling upscale cars and it is fun to go to work everyday. He is working with the scouts at church and has become an avid LOST (TV) watcher. WE are excited for the final season.
Tara is a housewife and loves teaching piano and musical theater one day a week. I have started taking Bodyflow and my body loves it and has needed it. I've been working on my health and keeping busy with the boys. It has been a year of discovery.I've made some great friends.

Landon (7) lost his 2 front teeth right before Christmas. He loves sports and played bball and baseball this last year. His latest venture is turning the kitchen ito a hockey rink and playing with his brother. He is getting lots of game cube time and loves 2nd grade.

Taylor(3) is our baby- not so little anymore. He has a stuffed animal named bear who is a dog but he takes him with him everywhere he goes. He is Landon's side kick and loves to be outside. He is in a coop preschool one a week and He is so cute right now and goes to Sunbeams soon at church.

Mostly we are very grateful for the help we have received these last few years and hope to give back as much as we have been given during our time of need. May this year bring peace, prosperity and happiness! We love Fort Collins and are happy to be by friends and family. Below are a few pics of the family and our extended family. Enjoy! Happy 2010~ The Smiths, Tara, Phil, Landon and Taylor

1 comment:

Leslie said...

You finally re-enabled Comments on your blog! YAY! Tara, have you tried Zicam? I SWEAR by it. When we start to feel a sore throat or cold coming on, we take it. Or even if a cold sets in during the night, we take it. It keeps the cold away or makes it leave. I hope you feel better soon!